For those who have made the greatest and most important decision in their life, and chose Islam we should exert time and effort to help them accommodate in Islam, and feel at ease with new lifestyle. They need backing, encouragement and help in all ways.
We, as Muslims, are indebted to God for being on His way from the beginning of our lives, and therefore we have duty towards those who are new to Islam; the true religion of God.
Islamic religion is the best blessing that can be bestowed upon anyone, and Islam is not a shallow emotions or mere wishes and desires.
Rather, it’s a complete way of life in all aspects, and for that, we all should dedicate time and effort to learn it right and eagerly pursue knowledge about its true teachings and worldwide message, and accordingly be on the right track.
How could we find our feet in Islam, strengthen our relation with the religion and live by its teachings, get closer to God, and bit by bit be knowledgeable about Islam?
How could we truly live a better life, be good citizens, and strengthen our relation with all people, Muslims and non-Muslims?
Here are some precious advices from Sheikh Waleed Basyouni, a member of the North American Imam Federation (NAIF), Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America (AMJA), and vice president of Almaghrib Institute.
Whether you are a new Muslim, a Muslim or even want to learn about the religion, you will benefit from this episode and the precious advice it presents…