Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan: The Month of Fasting and Spirituality

Fasting is one of the pillars of Islam. It is observed by Muslims during the month of Ramadan, a season of intense worship. How can Muslims make the best use of those precious moments? What should they do and not do while fasting? And what are the benefits that can be gained out of this blessed month?

Watch this video to know the answers and more…


Fasting New Muslims

In the Shade of Ramadan (5) Episode 1: Racing to Allah

The popular MAS Youth video series, “In The Shade of Ramadan” is BACK!

“In the Shade of Ramadan” is an annual online video series that is produced by MAS Youth during the month of Ramadan every year. It is a series of educational and motivational reflections on the month of Ramadan featuring various speakers across the country. This year’s season will feature 15 episodes (an episode every other day) with the theme: “Racing to Allah.”

Watch Episode 1: Racing to Allah by Muslema Purmul.



Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 5

In Ramadan Reminder Day 5, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments on the concept of ties of kinship & the family as reflected in Surat An-Nisaa’.


Fasting New Muslims

In the Shade of Ramadan (5) Episode 2: Racing to the Houses of Worship

The popular MAS Youth video series, “In The Shade of Ramadan” is BACK!

“In the Shade of Ramadan” is an annual online video series that is produced by MAS Youth during the month of Ramadan every year. It is a series of educational and motivational reflections on the month of Ramadan featuring various speakers across the country. This year’s season will feature 15 episodes (an episode every other day) with the theme: “Racing to Allah.”

Watch Episode 2: Racing to the Houses of Worship by Jamaal Diwan.


Fasting New Muslims

The Productive Ramadan Online Course (Animation)

For A Productive Ramadan

Have you ever set your alarm clock to wake up for suhoor, only to be awoken by the light of dawn shining into your room, and the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you just missed your only chance to eat today?

Can you remember a time during Ramadan when you were so tired and thirsty that you became agitated and snapped at someone and then really regretted it because you know that’s not what this month is about?

Does it annoy you to know that productivity in Muslim countries goes down significantly during Ramadan, and you want to do something about it but know that it needs to start with you?

Can you remember a time during Ramadan when the whole day you were just thinking about what you were going to eat after the fast, and then felt bad because you were missing the spiritual rewards of it all?

Have you ever had trouble going back to sleep after waking up for Suhoor, and as a result woken up for work in a very groggy and grumpy mood?

Discover how to FINALLY master your mind, body and soul to boost your productivity in Ramadan.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 6

In Ramadan Reminder Day 6, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi explains the blessings of the Night Prayers – Tarawih, Tahajjud & Qiyam al-Layl.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 7

In Ramadan Reminder Day 7, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments on the concept of perfecting the divine religion of Islam as reflected in Surat al-Ma’idah.


Fasting New Muslims

In the Shade of Ramadan (5) Episode 3: The Believer is Quick to Respond

The popular MAS Youth video series, “In The Shade of Ramadan” is BACK!

“In the Shade of Ramadan” is an annual online video series that is produced by MAS Youth during the month of Ramadan every year. It is a series of educational and motivational reflections on the month of Ramadan featuring various speakers across the country. This year’s season will feature 15 episodes (an episode every other day) with the theme: “Racing to Allah.”

Watch Episode 3: The Believer is Quick to Respond by Suhail Mulla.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 8

In Ramadan Reminder Day 8, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments on beauty of Islam and spiritual life as reflected in Surat al-An`am.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 9

In Ramadan Reminder Day 9, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi gives an overview of the Fiqh of Zakah and how to purify your wealth with charity.
