Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reflections (1): Imam Ash-Shafi`i

This year’s reflections will be on the lives of scholars. Living up to the objectives of fasting requires that we be in the Company of the Righteous. This is where the title of the series comes from. Sheikh Ahmed Saad has chosen ten great scholars each of whom is known as an icon of a specific science. In this episode, Sheikh Ahmed Saad looks into the life of Imam Ash-Shafi`i.


Articles of Faith New Muslims

Do I Have to Follow a Specific Madhhab?

We have the four madhhabs that are known to us today; Maliki, Hanafi, Hanbali and Shafi`i. Am I supposed to be following one specific madhhab of these completely?

Sheikh Waleed Basyouni, an Islamic Sciences Specialist, answers in the video below…


Source: Faith IQ
