Fasting New Muslims

All About Ramadan 1438-2017

Islam aims to transform the whole life of man into a life of worship. Fasting is the second act of worship that Allah enjoins upon the Muslim that help us come to that life of total worship.

Sawm or the Fasting means abstaining from dawn to sunset from eating, drinking and sex.

Like the prayer, this act of worship has been part of the Shari`ah given by all the Prophets. Their followers fasted as we do.

However, the rules, the number of days, and the periods prescribed for fasting have varied from one Shari`ah to another. Today, although fasting remains a part of most religions in some form or other, people have often changed its original form by accretions of their own.

O Believers! Fasting is ordained for you, even as it was ordained for those before you. (Al-Baqarah 2:183

Why has this particular act of worship been practiced in all eras?

Ramadan is earmarked for all Muslims to fast together, to ensure similar results, turning individual into collective i`badah, and suffusing the whole environment with a spirit of righteousness, virtue and piety. As flowers blossom in spring, so does taqwa in Ramadan.

The Prophet, blessings and peace be on him, said:

Every good deed of a man is granted manifold increase, ten to seven hundred times. But says Allah: Fasting is an exception; it is exclusively for Me, and I reward for it as much as I wish. (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

So, how do we fast in Ramadan? what is true spirit of fasting as an act of worship? And what is the wisdom behind fasting? How can we reap the benefits of witnessing the blessed month of Ramadan?

In this Special Folder (All About Ramadan), we will focus on fasting and its related issues.

Your Health in Ramadan

Fasting and Overall Health

Fasting and Overall Health

In some cases, fasting could do more harm than good to some ill people, but could be beneficial to others, and even improve health. Who is exempted from fasting, who can decide this? How should fasting…

Read also:

Last Ten Days of Ramadan

The Last Ten Nights of Ramadan – Don’t Miss!

The Last Ten Nights of Ramadan – Don’t Miss!

The last ten nights of Ramadan are very special. These are the nights that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) would spend in constant worship. Among these nights is Laylat al-Qadr…

Read also:

E-Books on Ramadan

New Muslim Ramadan Guide

New Muslim Ramadan Guide

With the coming of Ramadan, every Muslim has to prepare himself for that blessed month. This book tackles the most important issues that a Muslim has to be aware of before going on fasting. It tries to present the rulings of fasting as well as the spiritual objectives for which fasting was obligated. Take your time in going through this helpful book and we hope that we provided something that has been beneficial for you.

Read also:


Fasting New Muslims

The Faith Revival (1): Faith Is Refuge

Every day this month Sheikh Omar Suleiman is going to us through a saying, a verse, a tip on how we can revive, renew our faith, on how to maintain it and keep it strong.

When we talk about iman (faith/belief) we firstly need to know what faith is.

From a technical perspective, we know iman is to believe in God,  to believe in the Angles, to believe on the Messengers, to believe in the Scriptures, to believe in the Day of Judgment, to believe in Divine Decree.

But iman just goes beyond that.

So, before exploring different methods of reviving and protecting our faith, it’s important to understand the meaning of faith itself.

In the first episode, Sheikh Omar Suleiman explore what faith is, particularly its role as a protector – a refuge.


Source: Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research


Fasting New Muslims

The Faith Revival (2): Your Faith Wears Out

Every day this month Sheikh Omar Suleiman is going to us through a saying, a verse, a tip on how we can revive, renew our faith, on how to maintain it and keep it strong.

Think of your favorite shirt. It fades slightly each time you wash it, and will eventually wear out if you don’t take proper care of it. Faith is the same way – but unlike a piece of clothing, it’s the most valuable asset you have. Without faith, you have nothing.

Use this du`aa’ to ask Allah to renew your faith….


Source: Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research


Fasting New Muslims

The Faith Revival (3): Shaky Foundations

Every day this month Sheikh Omar Suleiman is going to us through a saying, a verse, a tip on how we can revive, renew our faith, on how to maintain it and keep it strong.

There is a direct correlation between the actions of the tongue with the condition of the heart. If you want to receive faith, you must first settle your heart – and if you wish to settle your heart, you must settle your tongue.



Source: Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research



Fasting New Muslims

The Faith Revival (4): He Is Not A Believer When…

Every day this month Sheikh Omar Suleiman is going to us through a saying, a verse, a tip on how we can revive, renew our faith, on how to maintain it and keep it strong.

There are certain actions that are so unbefitting of a believer, that belief departs from the doer of those deeds. We may have low points in faith, but we should never allow that to push us to major sins. Death doesn’t always come to us in our best moments.


Source: Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research



Fasting New Muslims

The Faith Revival (5): Even If Abu Dharr Doesn’t Like It

Every day this month Sheikh Omar Suleiman is going to us through a saying, a verse, a tip on how we can revive, renew our faith, on how to maintain it and keep it strong.

There is hope for the major sinners, as long as they turn back to their Creator. Allah doesn’t want you to be weighed down by your past in a way that you can’t meaningfully progress in the future.

Watch “The Faith Revival (5): Even If Abu Dharr Doesn’t Like It”….


Source: Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research


Fasting New Muslims

The Faith Revival (6): Healthy Fluctuations

Faith is supposed to increase and decrease, but how dramatic are your fluctuations?

The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized that both your peak and your base line should be reasonable, otherwise it may all disappear.


Source: Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research



Fasting New Muslims

The Faith Revival (7): You’re No Angel

Every day this month Sheikh Omar Suleiman is going to us through a saying, a verse, a tip on how we can revive, renew our faith, on how to maintain it and keep it strong.

Even the greatest companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) were vigilant about their faith. No matter how confident you are in your iman, you’re no angel. Be protective of it.

Watch “The Faith Revival (7): You’re No Angel” below….


Source: Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research



Fasting New Muslims

The Faith Revival (8): Two Supplications of the Prophet

The Faith Revival (8): Two Supplications of the Prophet

Every day this month Sheikh Omar Suleiman is going to us through a saying, a verse, a tip on how we can revive, renew our faith, on how to maintain it and keep it strong.

There is nothing more inconsistent than the heart, yet no vessel more important. Therefore the Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us two supplications to keep it firm. Learn them from the video below…


Source: Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan and the Three Types of Fasting

When it’s done right, fasting leads to taqwa (piety and God-consciousness). There’re three levels of fasting. The first level fasting from food and drink and intimate relationships. And there’s fasting of the limps. The higher level of fasting is that of the heart.

What do you know about these level of fasting? How does our heart fast?



Source: TheProphetsPath YouTube Channel
