Acts of Worship New Muslims

A Gift for the 27th Night: A Ramadan Du`a’ with English Translation

By Shaykh Muhammad Jebril | Translated by Shazia Ahmad

Many of us spend a good portion of our Ramadan nights with our hands raised in du`a’ (supplication), listening to the heart-felt words of our imam or shaykh calling on Allah in the witr prayer. For those of us who don’t speak Arabic, it is a time when we often long to understand the meaning of the words being said with such evident intensity and feeling.

It is for this reason that we would like to present a beautiful du`a’ of Sh. Muhammad Jebril of Cairo, Egypt – said at the completion of his recitation of the Quran in Ramadan – accompanied by an English translation.

This du`a’ was performed at Masjid `Amr ibn Al-‘Aas in Cairo, Egypt in Ramadan 1410/1990.

Click here to read the du`a’.



