Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 5

In Ramadan Reminder Day 5, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments on the concept of ties of kinship & the family as reflected in Surat An-Nisaa’.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 6

In Ramadan Reminder Day 6, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi explains the blessings of the Night Prayers – Tarawih, Tahajjud & Qiyam al-Layl.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 7

In Ramadan Reminder Day 7, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments on the concept of perfecting the divine religion of Islam as reflected in Surat al-Ma’idah.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 8

In Ramadan Reminder Day 8, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments on beauty of Islam and spiritual life as reflected in Surat al-An`am.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 9

In Ramadan Reminder Day 9, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi gives an overview of the Fiqh of Zakah and how to purify your wealth with charity.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 10

In Ramadan Reminder Day 10, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments of the Qur’an’s being the Speech of Allah as reflected in Surat At-Tawbah.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 11

In Ramadan Reminder Day 11, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments of the concept of being truthful to Allah as reflected in Surat At-Tawbah.



Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 12

In Ramadan Reminder Day 12, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments of the miraculous nature of the Qur’an.



Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 13

In Ramadan Reminder Day 13, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments of the concept of never lose hope in Allah’s Mercy as reflected in Surat Yusuf.


Fasting New Muslims

Ramadan Reminder Day 14

In Ramadan Reminder Day 14, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi comments of the concept of Allah will not change condition of people until they change themselves as reflected in Surat Ar-Ra`d.
